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/ Sounds 1996 / Sounds 1996.iso / wavsq-z / simp_wav.zip

File Comment
│                         Chicago Computer Brokers                           │
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│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
SIMP_WAV.ZIP   419681  02-01-94  A collection of wave files from the Simpsons
                               | T.V. Show. Including a D'OH! Wave, perfect
                               | for the windows default beep.

Audio & Music (10)
BARNBEER.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 1s 41KB 1993-09-27
BZZOWW.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 0.07s 14KB 1993-09-27
D'OH!.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 0.04s 7KB 1993-09-27
H_SCRM2.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 0.07s 14KB 1993-09-27
HAHA.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 1s 23KB 1993-09-27
HOM_SCRM.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 2s 55KB 1993-09-27
L-BART!.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 1s 27KB 1993-09-27
LSCREW.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 1s 31KB 1993-09-27
NOPROBJ.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 0.08s 17KB 1993-09-27
VGBEER.WAV Waveform Audio File Format 31s 693KB 1993-09-27

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
SIMP-WAV.TXT Text File 9 338b 1993-11-05